I wasn’t going to do these weekly pick articles anymore. Every site has got one now. And it just seemed like this was the least interesting or original thing I could offer. And then my good buddy, editor of the popular celebrity gossip site Egotastic.com, bought himself a Blu-ray player (it’s about time!) After pressing me for details on the best Blu-ray discs he could pick up to show off his very impressive new home theatre system (60″ Pioneer Kuro! So Jealous!!!) he asked if I still publish a weekly list of new releases. Umm… …Continued…
What?! Huh?! While we’re set to get the Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut 4 Blu-ray disc set on November 3rd here in the US and Canada, the UK will only see the Watchmen: Director’s Cut finally hitting store shelves November 30th?! Are you serious?! Wow…I feel awful for fans of this film on the other side of the Atlantic… …Continued…
We found out about this bad boy ages ago but now Warner has unleashed the official details of the Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut 4 disc set. Hitting shops on November 3rd, this set features the long awaited cut of the film that includes everything but the kitchen sink. You get all the footage missing from the theatrical cut, the extended and deleted scenes and the animated Tales of the Black Freighter woven into one 3 hour and 58 minute “Ultimate” cut of the film. I’m not sure if I can sit through all of that but I’m willing to give it a shot, at least once! Details and images below: …Continued…
It’s two in the morning and I can’t stop watching the Watchmen Blu-ray disc. I got home late from work. Totally bagged. Ready to hit the sack minutes after kicking off my shoes. I had been seriously committed to sleep before finding the Watchmen disc in my mailbox. And now I’m done. I can’t tear myself away. Zack Snyder has me held enthralled, talking at me from the blackened studio of his Maximum Movie Mode, unveiling the secrets of his violent, masked universe. …Continued…
I’m not going to try to sell you on 300. You either like the film or you don’t. If you’re here, reading this review, you probably think the movie’s all right and are no doubt familiar enough with the story, so I’m not going to bore you with it. It is, at its core, a two-hour fight scene. It’s an amazing battle, and incredible eye candy to be sure. But really, this sort of action epic, light on story, heavy on special effects is either your bag or you’re going to look elsewhere for your cinematic delights.
That out of the way, let me say WOW! I love this Blu-ray package. What an amazing job Warner has done with this set. Double-dip be damned, if you care at all about this film and are the sort of person who enjoys bonus features on a disc (I know there are two or three of you out there who couldn’t give a Spartan’s spear about them) then it’s worth ditching the old bare-bones one in favour of this, the 300: The Complete Experience. …Continued…
I grew up in Ontario, Canada. We had our own kind of PBS television station called TVO (TV Ontario). Still do, in fact. Outside of the excellent Magic Shadows and Saturday Night at the Movies, both hosted by Elwy Yost (father of Graham Yost, screenwriter of Speed) I didn’t really pay much attention to TVO, growing up until I discovered Prisoners of Gravity. …Continued…
You see what happens when I disappear for a couple of days? You see the kind of thing that crops up while I’m busy fighting a cold, sleeping and working on comics? Yeah, that’s right. More Watchmen news…
But this is the news you need. News that will help you purchase wisely. News that we knew was on our doorstep, just waiting to break. Warner has sort-of inadvertently confirmed via a flier in early review copies of the Director’s Cut Blu-ray, the coming of their Watchmen: Ultimate Collector’s Edition. We all knew this was a possibility. Director Zack Snyder pretty much told us so. This is not a surprise.
The surprise comes in the details. …Continued…
Yes, I know. It’s another Watchmen post. It’s not my fault! The news just keeps on pouring in and to be honest, it’s all sort-of interesting.
Ain’t It Cool News got a note from a reader who had a chance to see Zack Snyder’s longer, meatier Watchmen: Director’s Cut (the one we’re getting on Blu-ray here, in North America on July 21st) and sent in a quick list of some of the changes and extensions he noted as he watched it.
Here’s a look at some of what you’ll find over at Ain’t It Cool: …Continued…
And Warner Home Video is crowned the winner! The champion! The only studio capable of figuring out how to make BD-Live special features truly awesome!
Wow! I wasn’t a big fan of the Watchmen film but I really can’t wait to check this out. Looks like a lot of fun. Watchmen director Zack Snyder walks you through every scene of the film, talk in depth about the shots and even goes so far as to pause the film to give visual comparisons with panels from the comic book! …Continued…
A couple of pieces of Watchmen news coming late today.
The first comes from Collider.com, who confirm via an interview with director, Zack Snyder that his longer cut, the one North America will see released on Blu-ray July 21st, will be screening in Los Angeles, New York, Dallas and Minneapolis for the weekend of July 17-19.
Seriously? Four screens? Three days only?! Is this in an effort to promote the Blu-ray and DVD or just to piss off the fans who don’t live in any of these four privileged cities?Perhaps the studio is just being sensitive to all the folks overseas who may never get a chance to see this longer version of the film at all, seeing as how they’re only getting the theatrical cut on home video. …Continued…
3 Hour, 10 Minute long Director’s Cut makes its way to Blu along with a host of innovative special features
All the features of the 2007 HD-DVD release finally come to Blu